Disability, Training, Education, Appraisal, Revalidation
The GMC has a pivotal role and responsibility in local and national disability education and training.
Read the guidance - Welcomed and valued: Supporting disabled learners in medical education and training - from GMC.
Local education providers need to read the GMC guidance to understand their rôle in supporting postgraduate training organisations to meet their obligations to students and doctors-in-training while in the work environment. They should also be aware of the options available for supporting doctors-in-training.
Having a health condition or disability alone does not constitute itself a fitness-to-practise concern.
The GMC looks at the impact a health condition is having on the person’s ability to practise medicine safely, and determines this on a unique case-by-case basis. Direct contact with patients with disabilities had a specific impact on trainees' levels of anxiety and empathy. It is considered good practise that accreditation standards for postgraduate medical programmes can require the inclusion of disability education.
The importance of the Educational Supervisor
The first time the clinical educator meets a student, it is appropriate that the student’s past experiences be considered prior to entering into a dialogue about disability. Requiring students to justify their entry into the particular educational programme, or having them explain their 'inability' rather than ability, can be detrimental.
To find out more, contact us to obtain our full disability factsheets.