Professor Dame Clare Gerada

Professor Dame Clare Gerada

Dr Gerada is a registered Medical Practitioner with an understanding of and experience in the provision of general practice, mental health and addiction services. She undertook her psychiatric training at the Maudsley and Bethlam Hospitals, 1986 – 1990.

Since 1991 Dr Gerada has worked as a Principal in General Practice though has maintained her interest and expertise in the addiction field. Dr Gerada writes, teaches and lectures widely on the subject of the role of general practitioners in the care of substance misusers. Since 1993 Dr Gerada has been the lead clinician for the Consultancy Liaison Addiction Service which provides support to general practitioners such that they are able to deliver effective care to drug users.

Dr Gerada has held a number of national roles, including, Senior Policy Advisor Department of Health, Drugs and Alcohol. Director of RCGP Substance Misuse Use Unit & was Chair of RCGP National Expert Group on Substance Misuse. In both of these roles, Dr Gerada provided national leadership in substance misuse, developing the RCGP Certificate in Substance Misuse and supporting the creation of shared care working across England.

Director Primary Care, National Clinical Governance Support Team, 2003-2006: responsible in part for developing Governments’ response to the Shipman Inquiry. Vice Chair RCGP 2007 – 2010. Chair RCGP 2011 – 2013. Dame Clare Gerada  awarded DBE in the 2020 Queens Birthday Honours for services to General Practice.

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