Booking App FAQs
Is the booking app a medical device?
The booking app is a Medical Device in relation to the assessments that you are requested to undertake as part of your treatment. As a consequence, we are registered with The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) as Class 1 Medical Device under reference 2020052001181139.
What accessibility options can I use with the booking platform?
Windows and Apple Laptop / desktop computers have built in accessibility features which can be used to change the screen size and / or screen display to help users, please see the below links for support in using these features.
Is the booking app compliant with the NHS in terms of data security and governance?
Yes the booking app meets the NHS’s strict regulations for its governance and data security. We are compliant with the NHS Data Protection Toolkit with organisational code (AT0)
How to Contact Us?
If you have any issues or questions please contact us and a member of our team will be in touch.
Please give us as much information you can regarding the issue including what device you are using. This information will help us to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.
Our aim is to get back to you within 24 hours.
How does the booking app work?
The booking app is an innovative mental health and wellbeing platform that aims to increase accessibility to mental healthcare in the UK. We connect you to mental healthcare professionals, by secure video/audio/text link from your computer/ tablet or phone.
Our platform lets you book appointments with a variety of clinicians/therapists and filter who you would like to see via language/therapy type/issue/date and time.